Our Belief
God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to this earth through virgin birth to be offered as a perfect, sinless sacrifice for mankind, to redeem mankind from sin and death
In the supernatural power of the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the dispensation of the Holy Spirit, we have the power to accomplish all things and live our lives victoriously.
Scriptures teach that there is one, and only one, true and living God, whose name is Jehovah, the Maker and Supreme Ruler of heaven and earth; inexpressibly glorious in holiness, and worthy of all honor, confidence, and love.
In the unity of the Godhead, there are three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, equal in essence and divine perfection, executing a harmonious relational dynamic in the work of redemption and salvation.
All who sincerely call on the name of Jesus Christ and confess him as Lord and Savior shall be saved from damnation and an eternity in Hell.
God has established the determined time when Jesus Christ will return to establish his kingdom and receive those who have lived and died as the redeemed of the Lord, keeping His commandments to reign with Him in heaven for all eternity.
The Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God, without error, and is an all-sufficient authority in the matters of faith, doctrine, and Christian living.
In the autonomy of the local church, governed by the Apostle and shall manage its own affairs.